Fruit Receival
KVW has the capacity to process:
- Hand Picked Fruit - in 500kg KVW plastic fruit bins; or
- Machine Harvested Fruit - in 3 tonne KVW stainless steel bins
Fruit is scheduled to allow for processing within two hours of arrival at KVW to customers winemaking specification.
All incoming bins are individually weighed, tested for temperature, Baume and assessed for MOG, to ensure fruit is within specification. If the incoming fruit is found to be outside customer specification, the KVW Winemakers contact the customer before onwards processing begins. If MOG is considered to be a problem, then the bins are photographed and this information is forwarded to the customer.

White Grape Processing AND FERMEnTATIOn
KVW has multiple presses allowing for high speed, gentle pressing of white grapes for table wine or for sparkling:
- Bucher-Vaslin - 50T axial feed; 25T top load
- Diemme - 52T axial feed; 26T top load
- Willmes - 30T axial feed; 25T top load
- Vintech - 20T axial feed; 10T top load.
Fruit can either be directly tipped to pneumatic presses or crushed to the presses or holding tanks via must chillers, if skin contact is required.
All juices are transferred to stainless tanks via a heat exchanger to ensure that the customers specifications are met. After this point, services include:
- All batches of juice are analysed post processing immediately using a Foss WineScan;
- Additions and fining trials carried out at the same time to ensure that the juices stay within specification;
- Juices can be floated or cold settled with or without enzymes to ensure the appropriate level of juice clarification;
- Juice lees processed through a lees capable crossflow filter or RDV to maximise recovered volumes of high quality juice;
- Juices are monitored by the winemaking staff on a daily basis;
- Juices are analysed every 48 hours to ensure that they are within the customers specifications;
- If requested, juice can be filtered for interstate shipment using a Pall cross flow filter complying with Phylloxera protocols and ICA 22 (Interstate Certification Agreement);
- Alternatively, the juice can be fermented at KVW in automatic temperature controlled tanks;
- Ferments are analysed twice per day and formally tasted/assessed by the winemaking staff at least once each day.
All additives are tracked and under normal circumstances yeasts and bacteria specified by the customer are sourced for the inoculation. For larger batches, where practical, KVW can culture yeast to ensure a stronger ferment. Wild ferments are also undertaken if specified.
For enquiries please contact - info@kingvalleywines.com.au
Red Grape Processing & FERMENTATION
King Valley Wines has the capability to ferment:
- Small (2 tonnes) ferments;
- Medium sized batches of fruit, crushed to 12 or 15 tonne static fermenters;
- Larger batches fermented in rotary fermenters.
Cap management options include:
- Small batch ferments - hand plunging or pump overs.
- Static fermenters - by pump over with the option for drain and return on all red ferments.
Standard twice daily measurement of ferments and daily winemaker assessment of the ferments by winemakers occurs as it does in white ferments.
Wild fermentation management is avaiable and extended maceration is possible (subject to tank availability).
For enquiries please contact - info@kingvalleywines.com.au

KVW has two Cross Flow Filters (Xflow) allowing high throughput and flexibility:
- Pall HS High Solids Xflow - capable of filtering juice lees and wine;
- Pall XL Low Soldis Xflow - for filtration of wine.
The use of high solids juice recovery technology, allows KVW to clarify pressings juice and lees to a high standard post flotation or cold settling. This in turn, minimises juice losses in accordance with industry best practice.
Having dual crossflow filtration system offers industry-leading filtration yields, flavour rentenion and throughput. It maximised client volumes, quality and flexibiltiy. KVW can efficiently filter wines to pack away for maturation or in preparation for bottling, in a single pass.
King Valley Wines runs a full laboratory service for standard grape and wine analysis. In the lab we employ up to date analytical methods and technology, including the latest FOSS Winescan. Services include:
- Grape maturity sample preparation and analysis;
- Complete wine testing and analysis - internal/external clients;
- Stability testing;
- Fining trials;
- Trade sample preparation and dispatch;
- Show sample preparation and dispatch;
- Blending trials;
- Tasting room.
KVW is part of the Interwinery Analysis Group (IWAG) for validation of our lab analysis.
For enquiries please contact - info@kingvalleywines.com.au

Bottling Services
Since 2021, King Valley Wines has offered a full bottling service. Our bottling facilities include:
- Fimer Counter Pressure Monobloc;
- Cavagnino &Gatti labeller;
- bottle lot code printer;
- Recopak over-packer for assembling, filling & gluing case goods (6-pack or 12-pack);
- the choice of bar code box labels or box printing;
- robotic palletisation.
Pallets of finished product are shrink wrapped, labeled and short term warehousing provided for shipping to external warehousing.
Wines are adjusted to pre-bottling wine specifications and Quality Assurance is run hourly during bottling.
For enquires please contact - info@kingvalleywines.com.au

Reporting SERVICES
King Valley Wines maintains the WineFile Winery Management Database. Reporting Services include:
- fowarding weight bridge dockets to customers and growers;
- notification of standard analysis and operations to the customer;
- compliance with legal requirements of the Label Integrity Program;
- dispatched wine shipping documentation, including current analysis and tanker details.
King Valley Wines has office facilities for visiting winemakers with easy access to the laboratory, ourwinemakers and tasting room. Wireless Internet access and a telephone access is provided to visiting customers,as needed.
For enquiries please contact - info@kingvalleywines.com.au